Friday, June 1, 2007

I made it to Mesa, Arizona! I arrived Thursday, May 24th after two and a half weeks of riding. I made awesome time, much faster than I had anticipated. In that time, God spoke a ton of incredible things to my heart, all of which completely unsearchable, and I will attempt to describe them to you. Especially of one experience that was so amazing and mindblowing--provision after provision after provision. I pedaled my way to Sedona, Arizona and that's as far as I had to ride. I am staying with an amazing family here in Mesa and because of their schedule, it was best for me to get there Thursday. So Bob drove up to Sedona and brought me to Mesa (112 miles--two days riding). The timing was great. I finished riding right when it started to get hot. Enough about the end of my trip, I need to talk about the beginning!