Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 4: Riverton, Wyoming

My next destination was Riverton, Wyoming, which only ended up being 54.6 miles from Thermopolis, so it was an easy day. By this time I was really enjoying the scenery and in one journal entry I wrote:

"I couldn't even take in all that I was experiencing. The gorgeous blue,
cloudless sky, and the sun just barely over the horizon. It was just like it was
out of a movie. As I continued, I rode past some lilac bushes and the smell was
so perfect. I turned and started riding towards the mountains. There's just something about mountains that you can never get tired of looking at them..."

Right outside Thermopolis is a gorgeous drive on US 20 alongside the Wind/Bighorn River through the Wind River Canyon. At three different times, the road passes through the granite tunnels. One website describes the canyon as being "renown for its sheer rock walls, which tower 2,000 feet above the valley floor in a series of steep, vegetated slopes and vertical cliffs."1 Another site describes the drive as "possibly the prettiest drive in Wyoming... Deeper into the Canyon you will experience the full thrill of its majestic views."2 I was passing through early in the morning with little traffic and all the time in the world to take in what was there.

You need to see a picture of what I was riding and towing. The reason I chose to tow a trailer instead of using saddle bags is because saddle bags require balancing the weight among the bags and you don't have that issue when towing a trailer. Below is a picture at the Wind River Canyon just south of the Boysen Reservoir. I was a happy rider!

When I arrived in Riverton, I had to rendezvous with a couple who didn't know me, but who welcomed me all the same. I called and didn't get a hold of them at first so I left a message. I decided that I would go to Walmart and indulge in one of my favorite treats. Peanut butter--straight from the jar. I needed something to wash it down with so I went and found a 42oz bottle of Arizona tea with ginsing and honey. I sat outside of Walmart and I drank the entire 42oz tea and had plenty of peanut butter! I got a call back and off I went to meet this family! I didn't know what to expect, but I knew that they love Jesus so I would be ok. Well, I had an amazing time there. I got to see Facing The Giants, which was an amazing movie and as we watched, I felt just at home.
(Dave, does this shirt look familiar?)
It seemed as though I had known them for years! They fed me and even gave me enough food for two lunches to take with me. These extra groceries would be very important for the next ride. They prayed for me as I left and I felt so blessed for the time that I spent with them.

Coming tomorrow...

The improbable unforeseen, a determination required and a humility learned. Desert, wind, snow, and 140 miles to see a familiar face.


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