Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 14: Page, Arizona

My next destination was Page, Arizona. I got up very early to leave. I may have slept 5 hours but I was anxious to continue on my journey.

I packed up my trailer, put on my cold gear because the sun was still waking up itself, and quietly left Frank’s house. It was a beautiful calm morning as I pulled out of town and it soon looked like the environment of “Radiator Springs” in the movie “Cars.” The highway leaving town was a long and really straight road. After a while there was some interesting scenery, including beautiful red rock cliffs.

Right before reaching Lake Powell were some really interesting sandstone caves. I contemplated stopping and exploring, but it was getting late which meant it was going to start getting hot. I passed a boat repair/storage business and then began to pass the lake. It was a memorable view and I wanted to take a break to go for a swim. Soon after passing the lake I reached the Arizona border.

I stopped at a convenience store located right there on the border and I was thankful for the ice cold water they allowed me to have. As I was nearing Page I saw a Chevy Tahoe police vehicle that had pulled over a speeding sports car that had recently passed me. My initial thought was, “I wonder if he’s waiting for me (I couldn’t see the car pulled over in front of him) because I had heard that some states don’t allow cyclists on highways. I kept on trucking and began my decent into Page. It was great heading in! Downhill completed by a beautiful view over the bridge. However, it was 90+ degrees at this point and this beautiful view was met by a seemingly simple climb into town. The climb was actually miserable and it continued all the way into town. I rode through town looking for the place I was going to sleep that night. I stopped first at the Best Western only to find out that it was going to cost $89 for the night. There was no way I was going to pay that much again! I asked for directions to a Subway or a Walmart and headed that way. On my way there I traveled on a street that was surprisingly full of churches! All different denominations, all different religious affiliations, it was strange that they were all located together. They were all neighbors! I found a couple of cheaper hotels as I continued, the first one, Motel 6, was affordable but the lady at the front desk was very rude. I left and paid for a room at the Super 8. I made it to Walmart, ate at the Subway that was there and gathered some supplies for the next day. Here is an email I wrote once I returned to the Super 8:

I crossed the border today....WOO HOO....and now I'm in Page, Arizona. I'm staying here at a super 8 and I'm not camping because it's wicked hot. Plus I want to get going early to beat the heat. Today I left Kanab, Utah at 6:00am and it was hardly light enough to see--I had to use my head light on my bike so I didn't get run over... I pulled in here at 11:30 this morning and it was already 90 something. I'm glad I got here as soon as I did. My bike is kind of starting to break, at least once piece on my bike. The "Derailer Arm" is bent, which makes my shifting a little rough and I can't use some gear combinations. I'll have to wait until I get to Flagstaff (2 days) because the bike shop here doesn't do repairs on Sunday. I just ate Subway, which was amazing by the way. In fact, I think that they should make one of those Subway commercials with me in it. I think I've eaten at every one I could have and I've lost 8lbs in less than 2 weeks, now that's something big... Look out Jared!

Coming tomorrow...

A visit to The Gap, a dead cow and a guy on a peace walk.

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