Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 2 & 3: Thermopolis, Wyoming

I left Powell and thought that I would make it to Worland and be done there. When I got there it was early still in the day and my body felt great. I even stopped to take a short video that I planned to share when I had completed this summary.

I had already ridden 80 miles or so, making great time, so I decided to go to Thermopolis that was still 40 miles away.

I thought, "I'll make it there by 6 at the latest." The first 80 miles was flat and had little or no head wind so why did I think that would continue? It didn't. I had hill after hill and the wind started to pick up. Not only that, my body started to hurt... I couldn't go back to Worland because it was too far to back track so I kept going wishing for the green mileage sign so I could see how much further I had to go. Well, it took a long time. So long, that I soon found myself riding in the dark. The sun had set and as I watched it go beneath the horizon, I wondered "Where is Thermopolis?" I turned on my bike lamp and flashing tail-light. By the time I actually made it I had ridden 125 miles, I was very, very tired and really sore and I didn't want to look for a campground in the dark so I stayed in a hotel. It was great! I had a HUGE bed, a packed lunch from the Borchers, and a very relaxing shower! I stayed in Thermopolis the next day and did "touristy stuff." It was really pretty, it had really cool museums (one wax museum with some guy hanging...), and I enjoyed meeting the people there. For lunch I ate at a place called "The Prospector" that is an Italian restaurant that has a very laid back and comfortable feeling. I walked in right before they were closing for lunch and the Chef/Owner/Operator yelled "GRAB A SEAT! WE'LL BE RIGHT WID YA!" I had a very tasty lunch and then the waitress said to me, "What kind of bike are you riding? I saw you ride in, I'm riding that one right there." So I told her what kind it was and then I was able to tell her what I was doing. Her jaw dropped and she yelled at the cook, "Hey guess what this guy is doing!!!!!" She said "I feel like I should call the newspaper or something." The cook came over, sat down, and we talked for a while. He told me about experiences he had riding and things that led him to want to start. He told me about his past, things he had struggled with and things that almost cost him his life. I didn't really say much, but

just him knowing what I was doing and hearing that I was giving God time to direct my next step in life, made him feel comfortable to tell me the difficult and dark things he's known.

I could see something stirring in him in that moment, something that wanted the freedom I was chasing and the freedom I spoke of. As I was leaving, the waitress walked out with me and said, "I just want to say that you are a real inspiration..." There was another lady there who had stopped and was listening and the waitress said, "You know what, we should pray for him. Yeah we should pray for him (as she looked at the other lady)." I was shocked! She asked me what my name was so she could put a name with my face while she was praying. As she started back into the restaurant, the owner came out to talk some more. He gave me a cool card that had his number on it and he said, "If you need anything man, just give me a call. I have connections all the way to ...." (I can't remember where he said!). I left and went to finish my touring of Thermopolis. It is known for the Hot Springs that are there so I made my way through them.

At the end of the day I found the library because I had to email a video and some pictures back home. Elijah came up with a great idea for youth group on Wednesday--"Where in the world is Dustin Sandiego?" I w
as really encouraged that God had already started using my trip to speak to the youth.

May 10th, 2010...

A short but memorable ride and a rendezvous with unknown hosts. A story of provision, fellowship, and new friendships.

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